Important documents for your Binder:

Get the 2012 Umpire Manual here.

2012 IWLUB Invoice

Shooting strings memo

Dead ball time-out procedure

IHSWLA Handbook

To Do List for Returning Officials: To Do List for returning officials:

- Pay IWLUB Dues here (Due 2/1)

- Pay USL dues here

- Take USL Rules test

- Attend a rules interpretation meeting
(the only remaining date is 3/9)

- If you have not attended a clinic yet, you must attend the classroom training component of the new officials clinic in the afternoon on February 25th, 12:30PM to 4PM at New Trier High School. The cost is $35.00.

- Get rerated if your rating expired Dec 31st, 2011.

- Make sure your info in Arbiter is current

To Do list for New Officials:

To Do List for new officials:

- Register as a US Lacrosse women's official here ($50)

- Pay IWLUB Clinic Registration Fee ($40) here & Attend US Lacrosse IWLUB Classroom Training Clinic (February 25th)

- Pay $15 IWLUB dues here (Refunded if field test is not passed)

- Purchase Uniform and Accessories

- Register for Arbiter® Online scheduling system here

- Officiate at least one Pre-Season Scrimmage with experienced official

- Attend Pre-Season Meeting, meet your mentor official

- Attend Rules Interpretation Meeting

- Stand for US Lacrosse “Apprentice” Rating (On-field test)

- Take US Lacrosse Written Rules Test online

- Participate in rules test conference call

This seems like a lot, but it's worth it!  Reffing is a great experience and look to your left to see how much shorter your list will be next year!

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